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This article introduces a novel approach to payment innovations. It t identifies a cross-industry (retail trade and retail banking) and multi-country (USA, some Western European countries and Japan) approach to the interaction between these industries and the new retail payment systems from the 1970s to the mid 1990s. It documents and discusses the different trajectories that have been seen in the different competitive environments, particularly in regard to payment cards. It also analyses the involvement of bankers and retailers in the evolution of card payment systems and their contribution to the global adoption of bank cards. These processes have occurred within a framework in which sectoral boundaries have taken precedence over the payment alternatives associated with cross-industry solutions.  相似文献   
李永强  冯淑慧 《技术经济》2020,39(9):82-88,100
旅游业可以带动县域经济的发展,但也要依靠一定程度的经济作为基础支撑,如何协调好两者的均衡发展,关系到旅游产业与县域经济的耦合协调问题。以阳朔县为研究对象,采用协整分析、误差修正模型以及耦合协调度分析的方法对2004年至2018年阳朔县旅游产业和经济的关系和耦合协调性进行研究。结果表明:旅游产业和经济之间存在长期均衡的关系,经济的短期波动受旅游产业的短期波动以及误差修正项的影响;旅游产业和经济在观测期间由轻度失调逐渐转变为良好协调的状态。  相似文献   
[目的]改革开放40多年来,我国畜牧产业结构不断调整和优化,其生产供给结构与消费需求结构的变动与我国粮食安全问题息息相关。[方法]文章基于改革开放40多年来畜牧产业发展历程,从供给与需求两个维度分析我国畜牧产业结构变动的特征,并进一步探究畜牧产业结构变动与我国粮食安全间的作用机理,最后运用灰色关联度分析法实证其关联影响度。[结果]我国畜牧产业结构由耗粮型为主向节粮型转变,畜产品供给结构趋于合理,但不同区域间存在较大差异; 我国居民对畜产品消费需求量增加,但城乡居民畜产品消费结构及变动存在一定差异性; 畜牧产业结构变动与粮食安全有重要联系,畜牧业发展同保障国家粮食安全并不矛盾,畜牧产业结构变动主要通过耕地、基于口粮替代的食物需求结构变化及饲料粮需求3个方面作用于粮食安全; 具体来看,粮食播种面积、耗粮型畜产品比重和耗粮型畜产品饲料转化率对粮食安全水平的关联影响较大,节粮型畜产品比重与节粮型畜产品饲料转化率对粮食安全水平的关联影响小于耗粮型畜产品的影响。[结论]不断提高不同畜产品的饲料转化率,加大非粮型饲料资源开发利用度,推广非粮饲料应用技术,加快畜牧产业转型升级,满足消费者需求和保障国家粮食安全。  相似文献   
采用灰色预测方法对黑龙江森工林区2018—2027年林业三次产业产值进行预测,并在此基础上利用动态偏离-份额分析方法对此阶段黑龙江森工林区的林业优势产业进行选择。结果表明:2019年黑龙江森工林区林业产业结构将演变为"三、一、二"模式;林业第一产业中的林木育种和育苗、经济林产品的种植和采集业可作为优势产业进行重点发展和管理。因此,提出优化黑龙江森工林区林业产业结构的相关建议:继续巩固发展林木育种和育苗、经济林产品的种植和采集这两个优势产业;推动加工制造业向深加工、精加工的方向转变;加强林业旅游与休闲服务业的竞争力。  相似文献   
This study investigated whether variations in personality traits are related to board game usage patterns and attitudes, and whether such associations are expressed differently across countries that reflect different cultural orientations and values. A cross-sectional online survey was distributed among 486 Danes, Germans, and Americans, whose personalities were assessed through the NEO-FFI questionnaire. Participants also indicated their liking levels, attitudes, and playing frequency of board games. Results showed significant associations between personality traits and board game-related attitudes and habits. However, these associations were moderated by culture and primarily predicted responses among Danish participants, but not their American or German counterparts. These findings have important implications for the board-game industry, a multi-billion-dollar market worldwide. Furthermore, findings can shed light on how to better personalize and design board games according to personality traits and culture-specific preferences, which should have a significant impact on the user experience and ultimately increase sales.  相似文献   
What drove the precocious industrialisation in Britain was not demand for machines but rather (as Joel Mokyr and his co-authors have argued) the supply of useful knowledge and the skills needed to put it into practice. They were the force behind early innovation. But they did not act alone. They were reinforced by British institutions, which gave the British economy a century's head start over the rest of Europe and likely too over the rich parts of Asia. The institutions included a uniform fiscal and legal system; an effective means of training apprentices, who had escaped from local guild control; and a parliament that could raise taxes and exercise eminent domain but was at the same time a credible protector of private property. Among other things, these institutions facilitated the transportation of goods such as coal and they were backed up by policies that worked in favour of manufacturing. Together, the institutions and policies generated agglomeration effects that encouraged innovation. The agglomeration effects were more pronounced in western Europe than anywhere else in Eurasia and more developed in Britain than anywhere else.  相似文献   
Driven by business strategies, digital transformation (DT) facilitates dramatic change in air passenger behavior. This study aims to determine and analyze different DT strategies (DTSs) with the help of an integrated SWOT-based fuzzy AHP-MARCOS methodology that is proposed for the first time in the literature for this purpose. This methodology is validated with a case study concerning the airline industry in Turkey. The weights of the SWOT factors are determined with the fuzzy AHP method. The fuzzy MARCOS approach is used to select the most suitable DTS. The most appropriate strategy is obtained as “focusing on differentiated digital customer experience and service quality by the adaptation of business models to DT to provide benefits”.  相似文献   
随着我国经济的快速发展,社会形态发生改变。新的社会形态下,为满足社会发展需要,各行各业不断创新发展。其中,环卫行业作为城市美容师,同样迎来了变革。新时代下,为从内而外改良环卫行业,为城市市容市貌更好地服务,环卫行业应积极从人力资源管理入手,促进环卫行业革新。那么,环卫行业如何加强人力资源管理?论文从不同角度对其展开分析,以期为环卫行业人力资源管理及相关研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   
[目的]甘肃省农业气候资源丰富,适宜种植的杂粮作物品种较多,但其杂粮种业发展存在诸多与现代农业不相适应的问题,严重制约了杂粮产业的发展,因此急需提出针对甘肃省特色杂粮种业发展的策略。[方法]文章通过实地调研与文献分析,全面系统地分析了杂粮种业的特点和存在问题,并提出了甘肃省特色杂粮种业的发展策略。[结果]调研发现,甘肃省杂粮种子产值高达2亿元以上,其种子研发体系正在完善,商业化速度逐步加快,市场前景广阔。但仍存在杂粮种业缺乏长远规划,杂粮作物种子市场尚不健全,缺乏育繁推一体化的种子企业,种子信息网络及监管机制不健全;育种创新能力有待提高,品种布局不尽合理;杂粮作物品种保护意识不强,对知识产权重视程度不够等诸多问题。因此需要充分发挥甘肃省自然气候生态特点,挖掘优势特色杂粮作物,整合资源,构建杂粮作物育种创新技术体系;建立健全杂粮种子质量监控体制机制;培育现代杂粮种业龙头企业和现代化销售网络等发展策略。[结论]甘肃杂粮作物种业具有广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   
我国水稻产业供给侧结构性改革的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]文章在供给侧改革视角下对水稻供需的结构性矛盾等方面进行梳理,分析基于供给侧改革战略的关键环节、实施路径和未来发展趋势,以期为制定我国水稻供给侧改革战略提供参考。[方法]采用文献分析法和调查研究法,从我国水稻生产供求结构、价格"天花板"和成本"地板"双重挤压、水稻生产的资源环境、市场调节等方面分析了我国水稻产业供给侧的现状和存在的问题;通过日本、泰国、中国五常大米政策特点和经验教训的启示,提出了我国水稻产业供给侧结构性改革的策略。[结果]在分析我国水稻产业供给侧现状的基础上,总结得出水稻产业供给侧改革措施:优化水稻产业空间和功能布局,以项目带动水稻产业结构调整,提高和优化稻米品种品质结构、审定标准向抗性优质专用水稻品种倾斜,因地制宜调减水稻生产面积,调整国家收储稻米标准,延长水稻全产业链等。[结论]加速我国水稻产业供给侧改革,能促进稻米产业结构快速升级,有效破解稻米产业的结构性矛盾,增强我国稻米产业可持续发展能力和国际竞争力。  相似文献   
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